
Velkommen til ArtMentums omfattende artikelunivers om kunstterapi, historiefortælling og kunst som et kraftfuldt redskab til traumebearbejdning. Vi udforsker kunstens unikke evne til at hjælpe traumeofre med at komme sig og fremme trivsel. Opdag hvordan kunst kan bruges terapeutisk som en værdifuld ressource til at genopbygge identitet og finde vejen til helbredelse gennem kreativitet. Dette artikelunivers dykker ned i de terapeutiske aspekter af kunst og hvordan det kan spille en afgørende rolle i rehabiliteringen af dem, der har oplevet traumer. Vi udforsker også de positive forandringer, som kunstterapi kan medføre, samt de forskellige tilgange og metoder, der kan bruges til at fremme heling.Uanset om du er nysgerrig på kunstterapi, søger metoder til at håndtere traumer eller ønsker at forstå kunstens transformative magt, er du kommet til det rette sted.

Art therapy as a way to heal from violence and trauma

Art therapy as a way to heal from violence and trauma

Overcoming the effects of violence and trauma requires a holistic approach that addresses both the physical and emotional scars. Art therapy is a form of therapy that integrates artistic expression as a central part of the healing process. This creative tool can be particularly beneficial for people who have experienced violence and trauma, as it provides a non-verbal channel to explore and express complex emotions.

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Creative writing as a therapeutic tool in trauma processing

Creative writing as a therapeutic tool in trauma processing

Processing traumatic experiences and violence is a complex and individual journey. One method that has proven to be powerful and healing for many is creative writing. This therapeutic tool gives a voice to the pain, enables reflection and contributes to a process of understanding and action.

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Working with people who have experienced violence and trauma

Working with people who have experienced violence and trauma

Supporting people who have experienced violence and trauma requires a particularly sensitive and empathetic approach. Traumatic experiences can have profound effects on a person’s mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. As a professional, it is crucial to understand the complex needs of those who have survived traumatic events and to create a space where healing can occur.

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Vulnerable women in ‘Recovery’

Vulnerable women in ‘Recovery’

CASA is a women’s treatment center in Pasadena, California, founded in 1967. The staff and site are driven by many former addicts and clients. The center helps around 300 clients with drug and alcohol abuse per year. They offer individualized treatment programs for people of all ages, backgrounds and ethnicities.

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Case: Poetry as therapy

Case: Poetry as therapy

What can creative writing express that otherwise goes unsaid? Poetry is part of art therapy and has an openness to language and opportunities to create something new. It’s a language where not only the content, but also the expression calls for attention.

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Music as a common cultural healer

Music as a common cultural healer

Why and how can music be seen as important to the health and well-being of a community? Today, we spend a lot of money on going to concerts and listening to music with others. We attend Roskilde Festival, Heartland Festival, Skanderborg Festival, Friday Rock in Tivoli and are flooded with the same tones, sounds and rhythms. We share a common experience of being taken on a musical journey.

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Victims of violence and art therapy

Victims of violence and art therapy

What can art and art therapy contribute to working with clients who have experienced violence? People who have experienced violence often struggle with a sense of brokenness. Your connection to yourself, your courage and your way of thinking are often damaged by the traumatic event and need to be rebuilt. You might ask yourself the question: Who was I in the world again? How did I orient myself? What did I stand for? All these fundamental aspects of being human need to be rebuilt and healed.

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Storytelling in art therapy

Storytelling in art therapy

When working with art therapy and trauma, we focus on creating new stories and conversations for the client that are full of possibilities and resources. Not that you as a therapist can’t dwell on or revisit the trauma if the client needs to, but the art therapy process focuses on taking the process into another space where the trauma is externalized. This is seen in the artistic process itself, and in the subsequent reflections on the work in what we in art therapy call “Harvest”, where the client reflects on the process, a new story and what they can take forward in life and the healing process.

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Art therapy as a form of treatment

Art therapy as a form of treatment

For centuries, art has been associated with processing experiences, emotions and trauma. This article introduces how art can be used therapeutically and provides tips on how to implement art therapy in your practice.

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Artist identity for therapist and client

Artist identity for therapist and client

An artist identity can offer new possibilities for both the client and the practitioner. In this new role as an artist, they can explore, find answers, and inspire each other and find strengths as a collegial artist in a studio. There is no hierarchy like the ones the customer may encounter in society because they are in a difficult period of their life. Instead, everyone meets in the studio with art as the overarching theme.

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Which art forms are suitable for therapy?

Which art forms are suitable for therapy?

The art therapy program uses different means of expression through 5 main art forms. This article gives you a brief introduction to the 5 arts of therapy that you can use as part of your work with people with trauma.

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Research shows that art and expression therapy enhances life mastery

Research shows that art and expression therapy enhances life mastery

The first research project with Art and Expressive Therapy (AET) for a group of unaccompanied refugee and asylum seeking children showed increased life mastery and quality of life, empowering the children to deal with their trauma and life in general. The method was developed by Professor Melinda A. Meyer Demott, who was affiliated with the Norwegian Center for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS). Today, she is head of the Norwegian Institute for Art Expression and Communication (NIKUT) and a professor at the European Graduate School (EGS).

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The Therapeutic Art Museum

The Therapeutic Art Museum

Visiting art museums with clients and interacting with artworks such as paintings, sculptures and installations is a gentle and effective way to use art in our work with people who have experienced trauma. It takes them into the artistic space without them having to create themselves.

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