From trauma to new insights – Art as therapeutic redemption

Tom Kristensen shares his unique journey from trauma to self-awareness through art. The artworks become not only visual expressions, but also transformative tools to process deep emotions and mental challenges.

By Cæcilie Liv Carlsen

Tom Kristensen has discovered how creativity can be a powerful therapeutic release. He hopes that more people will have the opportunity to express themselves creatively when it comes to dealing with crises, violence and trauma.

Art as a therapeutic journey
Tom has worked as an art director and graphic designer and graduated from Design School Kolding but started exploring the world of art a few years ago. During a time of personal challenges, he met a woman who led him in the therapeutic direction of art. Starting with large-scale works, he discovered how art could act as therapy and help him deal with and process his trauma.

“I stand in front of the work and can relate to it, and it’s not the chaos that’s inside me,” he says. Art becomes a therapeutic space for him to explore and understand the complex layers of emotions he carries.

The function of art as a therapeutic tool
Tom Kristensen emphasizes that art is a place where he feels that he approaches something genuine when he dares to face his own vulnerability. From there, he has found a technique of cutting old works into pieces to reassemble them and create new identities. As he writes on his website:

“The works explore complex and painful concepts of identity, memory and emotion. Through reproductions of personal memories, an in-depth narrative is created about how these emotions and memories shape us as individuals. It is an attempt to generate understanding and empathy for the complex human condition, where our identity and the fragility of memory are woven together as an indissoluble whole. The works act as a reflection of our shared human condition and invite us to examine our own roles in this complex picture. Creating your work becomes a way to deal with the pain and make something meaningful out of chaos. Art for me has become something very deep. It’s a safe house. And I’m deeply grateful that I’ve discovered it and become part of that world.”

Art as a path to healing for all
When asked if others can benefit from art in their treatment, Tom answers unequivocally yes. He encourages everyone to explore their emotions through art to come up with new positive stories. He encourages you to create great works and not be limited by small pencils.

“In the context of trauma, art can allow you to communicate with works, and that’s what I experience myself,” he adds.

Being open and curious
Tom shares the importance of being open, not having performance anxiety and being curious about art and your inner self. He encourages having the courage to keep exploring in the way that feels most authentic.

Instead of taking “pencil and paper”, he chooses to use large canvases, colors and cut materials. He believes that a wide range of materials is essential in art therapy to allow clients to cut and assemble, experience transformation and create meaning.

Art as a powerful tool
Tom Kristensen’s journey from trauma to self-awareness through art emphasizes the potential power of art. His message is clear: art is not only a visual expression, it is also a way to process, understand and find meaning in the complexity of life. Through openness, courage and creative exploration, he encourages others to take part in the transformative journey of art.

See more of Tom Kristensen’s work on his website here.

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